Raising awareness on RUOK day...

two ladies holding yellow and black balloons for R U OK day

What a great event to celebrate RUOK Day 2021. Our Roxby Community Hub team held a popular morning tea event to raise awareness on RUOK day, working with our partners: BHP, the Roxby Council, the Roxby Downs Pharmacy and local small businesses.

This event brought people together to encourage conversation and learn R U OK?’s 4 conversation steps:

  1. Ask

  2. Listen

  3. Encourage Action

  4. Check-In

How to ask "Are you OK?" | R U OK?

The event was a great example of how working together can improve education outreach for community health.

Remember, not just on RUOK day... but every day, check in with the people in your world - A conversation may save a life.

Oh, and thanks to Roxby Downs Pharmacy for the balloons (they were a big hit with the kids)!


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